Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Quick Update

Hey Everybody!

I am really excited to see everyone this weekend! It has been so much fun getting back in touch! There is an updated list on the website of those that are coming but I also wanted to share a few of those that are coming from the other classes - I don't have all the names but I have a few.... Mac and Tappi Davis McLeod, Jennifer Austin, Audra Manhart, Chris Sweeney, Chris Bright, Glen Hardeman, John Hrubecky, Debbie Markham Prater, Dawn Damery Morrell, Jill Cole Bailey, Lonnie Horton. I am sure there are others but these are the ones that I know of.

Oh and for the girls out there - I think most everyone is coming casual with a little flair! Nothing to Dressy - just comfortable!

Talk to you all soon! Have a great rest of your week!

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