Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Updates from SuEllen Hunter Mackey

Occupation : Teacher of course
Hobbies: Scrapbooking, teaching and the ILLINI

What has been going on: Graduated from Illinois State in December of 1990- BS in Elementary Education- Married in December of 1990- Started teaching at Macon Grade school in August 1991 (4th grade) John born Feb. 3rd of 1992. Divorced in 1995. Left Macon due to consolidation and of course better pay to teach in "Inner City Decatur". Have taught in Decatur since. Taught a college class for those entering education- like younger students much better! :) Continue to teach a night class at Webster Cantrell Hall (residential treatment facility). Love working with at risk kids/ or those who have major behavioral issues. I'm an on-call crisis supervisor for WCH also. Serve on board with Macon County Probation/advocate for juvenile offenders "Community Restorative Justice Board". LOVE teaching still! Teach 5th grade at Hope Academy, Decaturs only year round school/ brand new beautiful building.

Oh yeah- received Masters of Science in Sp. Education in Reading in 1999, Became National Board Certified in 2005. One fun thing is , I helped to put together a new reading series with a major textbook company- MacMillan McGraw Hill- made many trips to New York City at their expense.

Still live in Moweaqua, same place since married. John very involved in livestock/4-H imagine that. We love going to the Illini Football Games and of course we never miss a basketball game. Even hit many of the road games. Followed the team to St. Louis for the Final Four Game. Scalped for tickets and had a blast eventhough they lost.

John lives with his dad and will be a sophomore. He is involved in Football, Wrestling, and FFA. Loves to help my dad during the summer on the farm, and will get his drivers license in February. He is very tall 6'2" and doesn't show signs of stopping. Dr. Bilyeu's magic formula for calculating adult height of infants put John at 6'9". This could be possible his dad is 6'4" and he has an uncle that is 6' 11". Obviously he passed me a couple of years ago. Plans to attend Lakeland College and pursuing some type of Ag degree. Wants to transfer to U of I and finish out. I guess only time will tell. Grandpa told him he has to have a 4 year degree before he can come farm with/for him. So, thank heavens dad had a grandson.

Preparing to start back to school for administration certification. Don't want to be a principal now, but might consider doing it the last years before I retire. (That is a long TIME) Still love to go to school whether teaching or being the student.

Do you recognize Mrs. Rowe - our third grade teacher?

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